
Get motivated: 5 questions to energize + trigger action in your STEM career

Get motivated: 5 questions to energize +  trigger action in your STEM career

Getting motivated to make career decisions and trigger action in your STEM career is the hallmark of a successful career. Yet, often we find ourselves going through the motions, spending all day in our email inboxes, and feeling like we never have the time to take a step back and reflect on where we want to go and how we are showing up at work. Learn a simple framework to craft the right question to ask, and five examples used routinely with my clients to quickly cut to the heart of the issue and get you energized and more importantly, taking action!

4 Ways You're Setting Career Goals Wrong and What to Do Instead

4 Ways You're Setting Career Goals Wrong and What to Do Instead

You’re a master at getting things done, yet you struggle to decide - let alone achieve - your professional career goals. Learn the 4 ways you're setting your career goals wrong and what to do differently so that you can stop setting goals you don't complete and achieve your biggest career aspirations.