
How to manage high emotions and stay professional during conflict

How to manage high emotions and stay professional during conflict

Managing high emotions and conflict in STEM is a skill that leaders master, and it's one that no one tells you is required to not just get ahead, but navigate your technical career with less stress and more ease.

Learn our 4-step SOAR framework to manage high emotions during conflict or other triggering events in your STEM career like microaggressions or clashes with your manager/staff.

Get motivated: 5 questions to energize + trigger action in your STEM career

Get motivated: 5 questions to energize +  trigger action in your STEM career

Getting motivated to make career decisions and trigger action in your STEM career is the hallmark of a successful career. Yet, often we find ourselves going through the motions, spending all day in our email inboxes, and feeling like we never have the time to take a step back and reflect on where we want to go and how we are showing up at work. Learn a simple framework to craft the right question to ask, and five examples used routinely with my clients to quickly cut to the heart of the issue and get you energized and more importantly, taking action!

3 strategies to stop feeling like a fraud at work

3 strategies to stop feeling like a fraud at work

Almost 80% of women in engineering and technology have reported feeling like a fraud at work. It’s so common that it’s known as imposter syndrome, and it’s a result of a work environment that tells you in subtle and sometimes blatant ways that you don’t belong. Learn 3 immediately applicable strategies to stop feeling like a fraud or imposter at work.

How to keep 2020 negativity from destroying your 2021 opportunities

How to keep 2020 negativity from destroying your 2021 opportunities

Can’t wait to ditch 2020? You aren’t alone. But here’s the thing - if you want to do great things in the new year, you’ve got to ditch the 2020 baggage you’re carrying around so that you can not just survive but thrive in the new normal. This short post includes a must-do 15-minute exercise to reset your brain to see your potential, embrace your inner boss, and crush it in 2021.