
Turn the Job You Have Into the Job You Want Through Job Crafting

Turn the Job You Have Into the Job You Want Through Job Crafting

How can you take the job you feel “meh” about it and turn it into something more fulfilling? This is the subject of today’s blog, the second in a two-part series that discusses how I created more fulfillment through a process I accidentally stumbled upon called Job Crafting. We teamed with SE Impact to give a webinar on this topic last week, and you can see the full video in this blog, as well as get a worksheet to help you use this process to create your own career happiness.

The real reason you aren't feeling fulfilled at work

The real reason you aren't feeling fulfilled at work

Do you feel fulfilled at work? The answer is “no” for many engineers. This blog is part 1 of 2 to look at one of the key reasons we don’t feel fulfilled, and what you can do about it. If you’ve been wondering why you’ve lost your work “mojo” - or perhaps didn’t have it to begin with at your current job - this blog is a must-read.